Ääreen – Documentary in Animation brings animations on all screens in Central Library Oodi. All through October, screens in the Oodi lobby will be transformed into an animation exhibition featuring works by the Finnish Animation Guild and by animation students of Aalto University.
Curated by the Finnish Animation Guild, the show spotlights the wide range and expressive power of animation. The short, silent animations cover a wide range of topics, from everyday events to pressing social issues. The artists come from different corners of the art world, which is reflected in their approach and the techniques they use..
Animations and artist of the exhibition
Ääreen is a project that showcases Finnish and international interactive, documentary animations. Running throughout October, the programme consists of exhibitions, screenings, discussions and interviews that bring together experts from a broad range of disciplines and offer multidisciplinary experiences for the public.
The project is a joint effort by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Oodi Central Library, Finnish Animation Guild, Turku Animated Film Festival, Artists’ Association MUU, Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture (AVEK), Aalto University, Danish ANIDOX forum, National Audiovisual Institute KAVI and the Finnish Documentary Guild.
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